Henry Szeto

About Me

I am a full stack web developer keen on Ruby on Rails framework and very comfortable with React.js / React-Native. A strong believer in test driven development, my coding practice is focused and tidy while being timely on productivity. I am a persistent person who is passionate about coding and always have a lingering appetite to learn.


OAuth provider
How to build an OAuth provider with user management in Ruby on Rails.
React with Thrift API
React JS client with an Apache Thrift API.

Recent Projects

React To-Do app
Redux + React JS client with Rails 5 API backend. AWS Cognito handles users authentications.
Android version
Android version of the React To-Do app. Build in React-Native + WebView.
iOS version
iOs version of the React To-Do app. Build in React-Native + WebView.

Open Source

30 seconds of code
Realizing Javascript does not have a Dig method like Ruby does, I put together a snippet and merged to this popular JS library.
Dig-deep gem
Ruby's dig method is nice for simple hashes. For nested hash, it needs more power. I wrote this gem to dig through deeply nested hash with ease.

You and me... Where are we?

Contact Me

Checkout my resume Checkout my resume
Github Linkedin
Email me at henryszeto@gmail.com henryszeto@gmail.com